I don’t like Obama nor what he is doing – I love the USA though!
Sorry, I just wanted to use the freedom we have now before it is taken away. LOL It is nice to know my Senator is awake in DC and trying to take care of us. I received the below information from the Senator’s mailing list. I mean come one people – you damn idiots that voted for him – look what he is doing. I think he still smokes also….because he is blowing a lot of it up your @$$#$. He is definitely a change…wants soldiers to pay for their insurance because it was a voluntary army. What tha!? Wants to socialize the healthcare system. Nobody else does! LOL Now…
Conspiracy Theory…
Ok, so I don’t usually shout out about politics too loudly, but come on. What the heck is going on here. I mean I see the Fox News deal about hoe the Federal Goverment is stating that your PC will become property of the goverment if you sign up for “cash for clunkers” program. Now this? Seems maybe our admistration is trying to control every aspect of things.
At least they did not blame this one on God
If you have not heard about the lady in Texas who killed her baby, here is a little piece of the article. “It’s too heinous for me to describe it any further,” McManus said.
Have to agree with this…
I received this in an email that stated Robin Williams came up with this – Snopes, however, says it originated on a forum from and unknown author. None the less, I agree with most of this just as it is.
I think Obama acted stupidly…as always
You know it is getting really hard to respect the President of the United States of America. The more he talks, the more stupid he appears to me…and everyone bashed Bush for his so called “stupidity” and way of talking. We’ll see how this 4 year Presidential term turns out and see how many stand behind their vote of Obama. I guess what fuels this little rant is the latest comment made by Obama about the Cambridge, Mass. Police Dept. How they acted “Stupidly” when called to a possible burglary in progress.