Short 'what's happening" in my life at the moment.
Houston and back again
I made a trip to Houston Sunday evening and made it back Wed. night. I was there for a Facility Acceptance Test of our new DCS system going in at Salt Creek Gas Plant. It was a rough trip this time around. It started with a 3 hour delay at Lubbock due to storms in the Houston area.
Broadcasting live!
I have been a little busy lately. The day job at Oxy has really been busy with some projects that have caused me to do a lot of traveling and well – work. Not to mention Red Yetti, which is busy on revising some of our audi training, and consulting. Then there is church, which has really picked up. Since we finally found a home church, the volunteering adiction has taken hold. LOL
Merry Christmas 2011
Christmas has been here and gone. This year I took a little vacation to visit with my parents – as opposed to last year when I was laid up with an injury for months. I decided I would start on a new design for the site today and make a post. I found this clean theme and have started to hack around the code to make it a bit more personal. We had a great Christmas.
…and a month later!
So I have been busy with Red Yetti, Oxy, and life in general. Here is a quick post to catch up on.
Steve Jobs – and what he taught me.
Maybe I should have made that “what he is still teaching me”.