Everything Else
Just a short...or uhh maybe a long rant about something.
Veterans Day 2010
Just wanted to put out a big heartfelt thanks to all the veterans we have out there. Please know that there are those of us who understand the sacrifice you willingly put up to serve our great nation. I know some folks who don’t understand the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans day. So I thought I would help explain it – if I can.
From the High Plains of New Mexico to Houston
Friday Eric and I rode over to Clovis, New Mexico. We stopped and ate at Fat Boys Barbque and then visited High Plains Harley Davidson. The weather was nice compared to last weekend. When we left Lubbock it was around 78 with a good breeze. It was a short straight shot to Clovis. We took HWY 84 West all the way. It was about 100 miles, and once you got outside of Lubbock there were not many towns to brag about. Some of the towns along the way were Shallowater, Anton, Littlefield, Sudan, Muleshoe, Farwell, and Texico. When passing through Littlefield, TX, I remembered that it is the birthplace of…
At least they did not blame this one on God
If you have not heard about the lady in Texas who killed her baby, here is a little piece of the article. “It’s too heinous for me to describe it any further,” McManus said.
What’s that?
I could not resist the idea I had pop in my head today when listening to the news on the way home. So click on my little picture to the left. I hope you enjoy it. Also, Obama, in the short time he has been our president, has already spent more than the Bush administration. Hope you like the “change”, ’cause it is all you’ll have in your pocket.
Psychologist – name could be considered child abuse
Just a quick rant to get this off my chest and see if anyone else out there has any thoughts on this. So, I know everyone out there has heard a name of someone and thought ” wow, I would have never named my child that!”. What you did not know, is that the name you pick for your child could be considered child abuse, so choose wisely. LOL Yeah, I thought it was stupid too, but my wife told me about the story on Fox news. I could not resist the fact of saying something about it on here.