
Hippie or Liberal?

I use the term Hippie, so I don’t have to call them idiots all the dang time. I define a Hippie as someone who has nothing to stand on or shout about except ideals. They don’t want to do anything to reach it, because normally taking action to accomplish the ideal – requires them to break one of their other ideals. I had a great debate with a guy from Colorado in class this week. He was an older guy who butted into my conversation with a friend with a very strong “Let me tell you something young man. I lived through the ’60’s and this is RACISM that is all it is.”

So, here I sit with a left-over hippie in front of me wanting to tell me he, well, is a left-over hippie.

I started by letting him know he pulled the race card before we even had a debate. It was a little weird, because the guy I was talking to, before he butted in, is black. ( I don’t give a crap for political correctness – so replace that with African decent, or whatever fluffs your skirt). I then asked him if he really thought that was even a remotely fair comparison of the law Arizona was passing? He went off pretty good about racial suppression and all kinds of stuff. When he finished and thought I had nothing to reply…well here we go.

I’ll try to break down the key points of the …uhhh…maybe it was a debate…yeah a debate.

He gave me an example of how it was racist and compared to the 1960’s he lived in. “Good ole Sheriff Jim Bob will ask ‘let me see your papers boy! I don’t think those papers are real, your coming with me’. Then they’ll mis-treat them like they did in the deep south. It is harassment! ”

So I told him I did not appreciate the demeaning statement about some of our law enforcement officers. I gave him my example of the last time I was pulled over by the Police they asked for was my ID and proof of insurance. When I went to pick up my kids from daycare they ID’d me. When I go to the lake house the border patrol stops me several times at check points – they ID me and even ask me if I am a citizen of the United States. I guess next time I get ID’d I will look for the swastika on their lapel or their klan hood or something…because they are harassing me too. LOL I also let him know I was a former law enforcement officer who had arrested illegal immigrants – and they did their time in jail for a weekend or so and was set free. Not deported, not shot, nothing harmful.

He went on with other arguments.

This Nation cannot afford to deport 11 million illegal immigrants. I say we cannot afford not to deport them – especially if they are locked up over here right now like all the ones in Marcopia County jail. It will pay itself off in no time. Not to mention had we been abiding by our Constitution and enforced our Laws there would not be 12 millions to deport.

Deportation would save billions of dollars; over what they will cost this nation in welfare. If we could figure the cost to our government in social and financial assistance for each illegal immigrant, multiply that times the 11 million or so here, then we wold see that. But deportations is not necessary, just close our borders and enforcing our Laws. Fine the  companies working them, imprison executives and cut out the welfare they will self deport. No jobs, no welfare equals no illegal immigration problems.

The flood of illegal immigrants drives wages and living conditions in our cities toward those of a third world country. Illegal immigrant families needing services overwhelm our schools, taxpayer-funded health care facilities, and other public agencies. Those requiring services don’t assimilate and, instead, expect to be served in their native languages & expect American citizens to assimilate, and ones that protest are called racist.

It is simply going to destroy what system we have setup. If they follow the rules and enter this country legally, and with due process. The system might maintain.

The “We are all immigrants argument.”

There’s the “everyone’s an immigrant except for the ‘Native Americans'” argument. Well, the American Indians didn’t sprout from the land, they came across the Bering land bridge from Asia. So if the criterion is “You’re an immigrant if you had an ancestor who immigrated here,” then American Indians are immigrants, too.

In that case, “immigrant” is no longer a useful word, since Everyone’s an immigrant.

The point is ILLEGAL immigrant….not just immigrant anyway!

The “They’re God’s children too” argument into it – because the only time most of the hippies let God come into the picture is when it benefits their ideals. Any other time and they are fighting to take the Ten Commandments off a court house because it disrespects someone else’s religious views.

We stole this land anyway argument.

Well, the land in dispute was “owned” by Spain for a couple of centuries. Then by Mexico for about 25 years. During these periods, there weren’t more than a few thousand Spaniards or Mexicans in the entire territory. It’s been owned by the U.S. for about 160 years now, much longer than Mexico’s reign. And the U.S. has actually done something with the land, made it habitable for tens of millions. The difference between American and Mexican cities straddling the border is like night and day, yet the land is obviously the same. It’s not the dirt that’s important, it’s the people. Put another way, if culture didn’t matter, Mexico and Central America would be paradise, as would Iraq, etc.

He brought up produce also. That we would pay more for produce like lettuce.

We’ll be paying $50/head if we don’t have illegal aliens working in the fields. As Phil Martin, ag economist at UC Davis shows, the field labor cost in a $1 head of lettuce is about 6 cents. Triple those wages and Americans will do the jobs. (They’re not career positions. They’re seasonal jobs for young people, starting in the world of work. I have did similarly menial jobs.) And you’ll be paying 10% more for lettuce and other produce. Do you spend $1,000/year on produce? OK, you’ll pay $100 more.

The lettuce argument also parallels that for the retention of slavery. So if I was to use that for an excuse, then I am sure I would be called a racist.

The fact is and remains that Hippies (AKA Liberals) do not want to be confused with reason, logic or facts because their mind is made up. They have a perfect utopian ideal. If you disagree with them it is because you are Racist!  You have been put in your place you Red-Necked racist idiot.

In the end he said “well we can agree to disagree”. I told him no we can not. I’m right and you’re a pipe dreaming hippie. You want Peace, but to do nothing to get it. You want everyone to be happy, but no regulation on how to achieve that. You want the very right to stand up with your ideals, but you don’t want to recognize that that freedom was bought and paid for in blood. You are the first to start a protest and the first to bring up racism…If you’ll let that dead dog lie, he’ll stop stinking in time. We need to drop that favoritism (AKA racism) all together. We are all created equal, and should have equal opportunities in this country. When you get government assistance, scholarships, etc. based on a race – that is favoritism not racism.  Get rid of that and the idiot hate groups (KKK, NCAAP, etc) will all go away sooner or later. I will not agree with you at all.

People this is insane, and we need to do something to help keep this country together and a place people still want to be, want to come. We need to pray that God shines His light on this country, its leaders, and its people.

James A. Clark (AKA "blue ninja") - Words, Music, & Life. ©-2004 This is not a public forum. You may not use or abuse anything within this site. You will most likely not agree with everything you read or see, so what. This site is nothing more than a personal web journal for family, friends, and myself. Further more, the opinions expressed herein are strictly my own, and should not in any way be construed as representative of the opinions or positions of my Lodge, the Grand Lodge of Texas, or any other Masonic body or organization. It should not, in any way be construed as a representative of the opinions or positions of my church, or any denominational church, or any other Christian body or organization. This site may contain peanuts. Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to this blog.Discontinue use of if any of the following occurs: Itching, Vertigo, Dizziness, Tingling in extremities, Loss of balance or coordination, Slurred speech, Temporary blindness, Profuse sweating, Heart palpitations. If you are offended by anything you read, please close your browser window and do not return. Thanks for your visit and your hopeful return.

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