Aruba, Jamaica, oooh I’m gonna take ya!
So, we are packed, and ready to hit the road come early morning. We’ve been anticipating this for a while now. With the new jobs that keep us both very busy, fresh marriage, the kids, and building the house….it feels like we have finally earned it. Like crossing a finish line after a very long and hard run.
Destination – Ocho Rios San Souci Jamaica!
All I want out of this trip is a few days of relaxing, hours of fun, and at least one song…I don’t think that will be too much to ask.
So pray that we have a safe trip…and we’ll see if I even slow down enough to blog while we are there…don’t hold your breath!!! I’ll be sure to update everyone when we get back…pictures and all! Well…some of the pics might be held back due to criminal activity…LOL
Love ya’ll