Up the Creek…
Well, I am transfering back to Salt Creek Gas Plant as of tomorrow morning. I’ll be leaving the IT group and moving into the AT group. I’ll be an Automation Specialist.
I found my self some what dis-satisfied with the way things were in the IT group. I also had to work what seemed like 24 x 7. Since the help desk got moved to Mexico, and everyone just called me directly anyway. I know there will be some overtime involved back at the Creek, but I am more than ready.
I’ve heard some rumors that I was going back to the Creek because I was told to do so, or I was going back and taking a cut in pay. Neither is true. I in fact applied for the job when it was posted, interviewed, and will gain a few dollars as well.
Other than that, life is going great. The family is fine. Jace still enjoys her job. Keagan is passing her TAKS tests. Kade is…well watching Mickey Mouse and playing T-ball. My friend and I are coaching as I mentioned in an earlier post. We still have not had to kill any kids or parents. We had our first game Staurday morning at 8:45. All the kids were great and it was a good game/day.
Jace and I bought the kids a Wii. It has turned into a complete family item…not just for the kids. This is not your normal video game console. You have to stand up and move when playing this thing. It is amazing. I found myself reading all about its conception and engineering on the wii web site.
We all played last night for a short while. Jack was hilarious. He was sweating after he and I boxed one another. His arm was hurting after playing tennis. All of us were wore out after 9 holes of golf, 3 games of tennis, boxing matches, a couple innings of baseball, a good serious competative game of bowling. LOL Jack I then played a little of Medal of Honor. Which, when playing it on the Wii, makes all other consoles seem lazy and stupid.
Anyway, I need to go put Mickey Mouse on for Kade and think about whats for supper tonight. I promise to post more often, just let me get everything back in line with the new schedule.