
Kaden’s Coop – Update 3

Will be working on the coop/run, and garden over the next couple of weeks between all the other stuff that is planned for me. I started a two week vacation. Plan on resting and relaxing and doing things around the house for the most part.

Today – this is what I accomplished. Not much, but I am hand sawing. My saw gave up the ghost. It’s a good work out. Just like when we were kids – never let us play with the power tools. Plus- those power tools don’t work out in the woods.

All the extra lumber is for the run. I plan to do a lean to style roof. That way I can attach it to the pole barn we build around the holding tank in the near future.

Also using used tin for the roof. Found a guy on Craigslist that has it near Shallowwater. He never called after his appointment in Lubbock today – so I plan to call him and schedule another time to pick it up.

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