National Holiday alert!
Getting geared up for the next national holiday out here… the Grand Opening of Guitar Center in Lubbock, TX will be this Thursday!!!!!! Nick and I will be going into debt soon. LOL
Yup, finally getting a real musicians store out here…the two we have now…well they never have what I need or want. I am pumped up and have a list of stuff I am going to get. It will be a late birthday celebration for Nick and I. Mine was on July 2nd..his and Pepper’s on July 10th. We are going to get there real early and eat, hang out so we can be first in the door. Then hang and listen to the bands and all. I’ll be sure to update the damage done.
Did some song writing this weekend. Actually got one to come out. Nick and I met up and threw one down. It needs a little work, but it was fun. Met up with Doug this weekend too. We exchanged some of our ideas and traded songs. We write different styles, so I think it will work out great.
Doug had nearly as much equipment as I do…so nice to see someone else paying to play. We pulled a pretty late night Friday…and made plans for Saturday.
So last night we made a road trip to the huge town of Nazareth, TX. Population of maybe…300? LOL Yeah, big town in the middle of no where! It was called German Fest I think. We went to hear the bands…locals I did not know, and Cooder Graw. Cooder Graw put on a really good show as usual.
There were a lot of people there too. I know the towns population was way up. I bet there was at least 2000-3000 people there. I had a good time meeting people and listening to some good music. May have to do it next year.
So, now that I have been sleeping all day, I think I will lay here, watch movies, and get ready for the night shift.
Want to ask ya’ll mention my cousin Kelly up in prayer. She is 34 years old and has been diagnosed with cancer. She is doing good now, but would really appreciate if ya’ll would offer her up in prayer.