Sick, broken, decorated, and eating year old cake
Well, I upgraded my WordPress to the latest version (2.5.1) and it did not like some of the coding in my theme. With the help of a few folks in the forums, I got it patched together for now. So that is the reason for not blogging lately. Here is what has been going on in our exciting lives.
First, Jace and I made our one year anniverssary yesterday. We celebrated all weekend long. LOL We started by taking the kids to their grandparents. Then we loosely planned the weekend.
Jace got me the new iPod Touch. Which I desperately needed – since my other iPod was stolen. (Yes, I have a good idea of who you are…so I hope you are enjoying it). I bought her a ring…diamonds (though small) make women happy….weird huh?
Then I told her that the weekend was hers…plan away. So we started by going shopping for house decorations. We have never really finished decorating since we moved in. Plus we have had a house full since we moved in. So, off we went to Kirklands, and Home Depot…among other places.
We also spent the time in between shopping, to go out and eat, visit with some friends, watch movies, and just visit with one another. Seems we’ve been running the rat race for a while. Don’t we all though?
So last week I was sick as a dog. (How sick is that anyway?) I was vomitting all day….ALL DAY…thursday. Not sure what it was, but it hit me hard and fast. I finally recovered around Sunday evening. I actually fainted at one point and colapsed in the bathroom floor. I was in and out of reality all day. Ok, I know most of you will think that is normal for me, but this was serious.
Anyway….I’ll close this with the final topic in the tile line. Last night we came in, and each ate a piece of our year old wedding cake. Who the heck came up with that idea anyway? Is that even healthy? Then I saw the symbolism. We took something that started sweet ( a new loving relationship), but had turned a some what bitter ( the hard times and stress with a new marriage), choaked it down like champs (through the good and bad – thick and thin) and gave each other a kiss (which after eating that – we thought might be our last).
Jace, I love you. I love you. I love you. BUT I am never eating cake again.
Love y’all,