Arrrrrgggghhhh!!! Pirates are we!
Kaden has been really infatuated with pirates and treasure hunting here lately. Mickey mouse and Little Einstein’s has got him making treasure maps and looking for treasures. So, when Jace told me we needed to get him a piggy bank (so he would stop toting the little purse like thing he had for coins) I had an idea.
We made a trip by Hobby Lobby where I bought a unfinished pine chest for about $8.00. I went home through some spray paint, stain, and acrylic art on it. I made up a bunch of symbols, and then I filled it with a pirates bounty! Hid it in my studio, where Kade never travels alone. Made a map leading him there and when he gets home from his grandparents, we’ll seek the “Tooties Treasure”. Jace said I had way too much fun doing this.
I’ll make an update when he gets home. I wanted to post these pics of the treasure chest and I’ve got hamburgers on the grill.