Pray – New job offer
Hey asking everyone to pray for me … I am flying out to Lubbock this Friday for a job interview. I really want this job… I need this job.
I am totally pumped about this, because I feel God is finally trying to tell me where he wants me. Here is the short version of the story:
I have been really trying to decide where I need to be to better fullfill the music/ministry thing we (the band) have going. Trying not to be selfish while seeking out the right choice. I am fine here in Lufkin, but the job I am at really has no future, and the schedule, pay, and location puts a small burden on us when we need to go somewhere to play.
So when I thought I was going to Lubbock the first time God said “Nope! not so fast!”. We were all a bit confused, because at the time Nick was looking a moving to as well as Edwin. So we had a wrench thrown in our spokes.
Now last week I was offered a job overseas, that paid very, very, well….REAL WELL. I could have been completely debt free in about two months and then been saving like crazy. The down side was, I would be gone for about a year and the band would be put back another year. Sooooo…
This morning I show up at work and Nick calls me…tells me that his boss is going to call and well… he did. He asked if I could come out for an interview. I said “Yes, Sir!”… well maybe not like that but I wanted too. LOL This would mean the band could continue its ministry, and I could have a job making more money than I do now, have a job with a future…and… still be here in Texas. What else could I ask for….. Prayer that I get this job. So that is me asking.
Other than that I am headed over to Joe’s to scare off little kids when they come to the door and ask for candy. I think I am going to make up a language to talk to them in. LOL
In Prayer,