
Broadcasting live!

I have been a little busy lately. The day job at Oxy has really been busy with some projects that have caused me to do a lot of traveling and well – work. Not to mention Red Yetti, which is busy on revising some of our audi training, and consulting. Then there is church, which has really picked up. Since we finally found a home church, the volunteering adiction has taken hold. LOL

So this is going to be a really brief note set of what’s transpired (what I can remember-and want to be able to look back on) since the last post.

Keagan received the Pirate of the month award for Febuary. She had a presentation before the school board and all. It was for outstanding conduct and being a good role model. I am proud of her. She really is growing up fast now. Wow, on another note. Keagan gave her life to Christ on January 29th. So she shares her new birthday with her little brothers birthday.

Kaden – turned 8 on Jaunary 29th. He is growing up fast as well. Some of the things he says and does just amaze us. Especially how funny he is. Lately his favorite saying is “Check this out Daddy, Check this out”. He got a really nice play set for his brithday. We had tired to hide it for 4 days in the back yard – by keeping him from going in the back yard. Then one mornign while Jace ran to town for the birthday cake and party supplies – he decided he would look out the window throught the blinds. Before I could say “No!”, he turned to me with a huge smile and said “Daddy there’s something cool in our yard”. LOL

He invited all girls to his party. Two of Keagan’s good friends and their little sisters. The boy is a playa! LOL

I made a week long trip to Houston for some Honeywell SM training and a few meetings. I was able to tour their Integration center and see our new DCS being configured. I am really happy we are upgrading at the Salt Creek Facility, but I will be glad when it is all over too. I will have several more trips to Houston before the end of April.

I have been assigned to a team withing the Oxy HES group that has me making a few trips to Midland monthly. Nick was kind enough to mention my name on this one. I am actually excited to see where this leads as well. It is a team to research and review taking our current paper based permit to work and convert it to a mobile/elctronic version. Again, I can’t wait to see what comes out of this.

My lovely wife has been working her rear off, as usual. She has her hands full. she needs a vacation and I can’t wait to take her on one. I wish she had 5 weeks a year vacation like I was awarded this year, but we’ll make due with the 3 weeks she has.

Our life is truely blessed, can’t really complain. We our pretty good about getting rid of stressors in our life fairly quickly. God continues to bless us more abundantly than we need.

I setup a little AM Radio broadcaster in my house. I am running my own AM Radio station – for my pleasure alone. I love the sound from the old AM radios my father in law gave me, but was disappointed with the public station content. So, I found a way around that. I am playing old blues, and the top 20’s of country and rock from the 1940’s to present. I have about 5 days worth of music just in the current play list. I am using an old iPod right now, but I am configuring a Mac to run a totally automated station. Complete with “spots” and Red Yetti commericals exclusivley. LOL Because I can. View the video in the sidebar or at this link. (VIDEO)

Red Yetti is also working closely with 3 more churches currently to re-vise and optimize their media. We have been doing acoustical analysis, consulting, web development, podcasting, training, etc. This keeps us really busy and we pray this is the direction we are supposed to go. We also have a goal to release at least 3 of our iOS apps this year. So our plate is running over – which is a good thing.

Jack and Lyndsi had their new baby girl. Rylee Nicole Clark. Beautiful baby!

There ya go short sweet, simply because I probably already forgot twice that much…and everything else I wanted to remember.


James A. Clark (AKA "blue ninja") - Words, Music, & Life. ©-2004 This is not a public forum. You may not use or abuse anything within this site. You will most likely not agree with everything you read or see, so what. This site is nothing more than a personal web journal for family, friends, and myself. Further more, the opinions expressed herein are strictly my own, and should not in any way be construed as representative of the opinions or positions of my Lodge, the Grand Lodge of Texas, or any other Masonic body or organization. It should not, in any way be construed as a representative of the opinions or positions of my church, or any denominational church, or any other Christian body or organization. This site may contain peanuts. Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to this blog.Discontinue use of if any of the following occurs: Itching, Vertigo, Dizziness, Tingling in extremities, Loss of balance or coordination, Slurred speech, Temporary blindness, Profuse sweating, Heart palpitations. If you are offended by anything you read, please close your browser window and do not return. Thanks for your visit and your hopeful return.

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