
Kaden’s Coop!

Started on Kaden’s chicken coop. I am using junk wood – or as they call it now days – “reclaimed lumber”. It makes is a bit tricky. Warped boards are great to work with.

Brings back the days when we would build forts and all. Kaden says I am the greatest dad in the world. I hope so. Ava Grace is a my little helper. She picks up all the nails I pull out of the reclaimed wood.

The photo will show the progress made today. Decided it should be under the category of garden – since it is part of the compost and will be for food. Lol. 4e89bb39648418d609ad2c47e78f49d0

My back – ruptured disc and whatever else I have – is making this go very slow. Figured I would have the coop all framed by now and ready to move it out to it location. I will finish it there – roof, siding, etc. would be to heavy for two guys to move it otherwise. I will also be building run for the coop as well.

We promised Kaden chickens by good Friday. He is holding us to it with subtle little messages. Figured I had better get on the ball.


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