Social Networking…
Well I closed down my MySpace site years ago. It became old and just let people you really didn’t want to be in touch with you – stay in touch with you. Sure I was as guilty as the next, but I bet you’ll find the same things I’ll list below if you evaluate your social networking accounts honestly. I am not saying social networking is all bad either – or you’ll “die” if you use it. This was just a personal choice.
Here are a few of the things I’ve noticed while doing the social networking thing.
- some good discussions on certain topics
- some use it to promote their blogs or other good causes
- They accept people as friends, whom they never talk to or would otherwise not be considered a friend. Some, are just mere acquaintances.
- Once they accept that “Friend” – they get comments or posts from that friend and are ashamed of them or delete them. See #1 above.
- People can take on alternative personalities in an online social networking environment. I never realized how well a computer screen would work as camouflage. LOL
- This is probably the biggest issue I had with it – which means I am just as guilty as anyone I guess – People spend hours browsing through someones pages in virtual world. I call this being a little too nosey or gathering gossip. Those hours could be spent with actually – physically socializing with someone – a real friend, a child, a co-worker, etc. – by means of a personal meeting or phone.
So, those were just a few observations that made me, once again, de-activate another one of my social networking accounts. I will continue on with my blog, since it is barely a two way type site. LOL I ask that you monitor your “socializing” online to see if it is worth your time or, is it stealing time from real socialization with your “friends”/fmaily, and is it leading you to do things you would not otherwise do. Gossip, or getting into people’s business.