Mexican president slams U.S. immigration law?
I purposely put the title in question form because do we really give a crap what the President of Mexico thinks about our immigration laws? I mean does he have trouble with Americans crossing over into his country illegally? Do Americans go over to Mexico and get benefits, etc. for free? We have had due process for immagrants in this country for some time now…last amended on July 9, 1868 – I believe. (In fact here is a link to learn more)
So, lets think about this – and we all know that illegal immigrants crossing over from Mexico is a lucrative trade, met with an even more lucrative deal for the folks once they are here. I have absolutely no problem with anyone coming to this country, however, they need to follow the rules. The rules that most of our ancestors had to follow. Is that really too much to ask? In my opinion, NO!
Now, let’s think about why the Mexican President might be upset with Arizona’s new law – one that I think all the border states need to follow – or “one up”. Arizona’s Republican governor signed a bill into law last week requiring police to determine whether people are in the country legally and allowing them to detain suspected illegal immigrants. The law requires state and local police with “reasonable suspicion” to determine if people are in the country illegally. It also makes it a crime to transport illegal immigrants and hire day laborers off the street.
For one – what’s so bad about that law? A Police officer can stop and ID anyone at anytime here in the US with “reasonable suspicion”. Why not them? What the crap?
“Criminalizing immigration, which is a social and economic phenomena, this way opens the door to intolerance, hate, and discrimination,” President Felipe Calderon told a meeting with Mexican immigrant groups.
OK so we start with that quote – First Senor Calderon we are not “criminalizing immigration” – we are in fact only better enforcing the “illegal” immigration – which is already a crime. Got that? Simple, in this country we like to enforce crimes – most of the time we are somewhat successful. If you, Senor Calderon would even slightly attempt the same thing in your country, I almost bet my Social Security that your fellow country men would not want to flee to the US so badly. I mean, if the drug cartel was as bad over here – you might be on the other side of this argument. Besides, your country has all the potential that ours does. Worry about you and yours – fix your problem and let us fix ours.
“My government cannot and will not remain indifferent when these kinds of policies go against human rights,” Calderon said, adding that he would bring up the new law when he meets with Obama next month during an official visit to Washington.
Sorry to hear that Senor, but I hope you remember the Alamo. Them boys and girls that live down there on the border might get fed up with your crap. Obama? Heck, maybe you should read the US papers. There are a lot of folks over here not to keen to our President’s thoughts on some things. Oh, by the way you have no human rights in this country…maybe you should think about the human rights of Mexicans – ones living in your country.
The majority of the 11 million people believed to be living illegally in the United States are immigrants from Mexico. Wow, Senor you are doing something wrong over there.
So, I propose you read some history. Focus on US history and Texas history to start…and remember DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS!
…and just my personal opinion here – your a damn idiot and our country’s business is not to baby set your pathetic country’s ass. A leader too weak and ineffective to deal with his own county’s issues will naturally sieze upon the media to divert attention.
I’m sorry – one more little question – Why is the Mexican army on the southern border with Guatemala to keep them from entering your country ?
If Obama leans your way – we’ll fix that problem in 2012 also.
Next time I am down in Del Rio, I’ll send you a smile and a wave from the land of the free and the home of the brave!