New toys…
Well the band is coming along well with the new members. Suzie and Brice are really working out. The band has ordered some new toys…
The band ordered some new stuff – mic cords, effects unit, crossover, and some other little things. I hope that this will give us a better chance for better sound and the monitor mixes we are looking for.
I ordered some new studio monitors, a reference amp, and an exciter. I am hoping this will allow for better recordings and mixing. Not to mention I will use the exciter for live shows as well. I hooked these up last night, and it was awesome to hear the difference it makes in what your ear actually picks up. Instantly I heard things from our previous recordings that needed some EQ, compression, and effects work. Therefore, I am pretty pumped about the other stuff getting here. I think Nick and I are going to setup all our equipment this Friday at the church. We will practice on it Friday night, and then Saturday we will work with it some more. I want to address some monitor issues we have been having.
On another note, I am going to leave work today at 2:00. I have some business stuff I need to be taken care of in Lubbock and pick up my new bike. I am getting a 2006 Honda VTX 1300 C. Pretty sweet bike and I think it will be big enough to ride home (Lufkin) on. Not to mention it will handle the West Texas wind better. I will post some pics soon I am sure.
I have a prayer request also. Wed. night I am speaking to the youth at CaprockSprings. My lesson is over “Measuring Success”. God has been speaking to me on this for a couple of weeks now, and it so happens that I was asked to speak last week. Guess He wants me to share it.
Other than that work, life, and whatever else anyone would ask me about… is all going great. Got some things I would like to see get off the ground, but time and the restrictions of a small town seem to be slowing us down a little. More on this when it happens.
So, holler at me,