Sad to leave, but glad to be home
We pulled in the drive around 2PM yesterday. We were all glad to be home, but miss everyone we visited too. Coming home feels good no matter where you’ve been. There is no place like your own back yard. Except when it was like mine – needing to be mowed and trimmed. LOL
Jace, the kids and I have a refreshed look on life after visiting everyone up in Ohio. You can say what
you want, but that is the life. The simple, relaxing, inspirational, good life. You’ll never know until you see how families now days lack so much in everything they do. From cooking to church, to work and school…people now days move way too fast.
Jace and I have already implemented some changes in our life style. You may not be able to see it on the outside, but the changes are there, and you’ll see them sooner or later. We’ll be doing simple things such as gardening, canning, simpler church, and saving up for the later years. I must sound crazy. the guy who loves technology, and music, the guy who likes to have wild get togethers on the weekends, BUT yep, we are changing and that does not mean one of those later mentioned things will change. We’ll still have are Rock Band parties for sure. LOL
Our plan is to pass some of the lessons you learn through doing the things they do up there on to the kids. Rather they ever use them straight forward in life, they’ll at least know how and why things were done like that.
Anyway, before I get to sappy….I have re-designed the site a little. Not a big change, but have a look around and see what ya think.