My #32 birthday
Yeah, so I am 32 now. I feel and look just about the same as I did at 31, but no where near the same as when I was 17.
Astros vs Rangers
My buddy Joe, was super cool and got me 4 tickets to the Astros vs Rangers game this past Friday. So, I invited Mario, Tyler, and Nick, as an attempt to convert Mario and Tyler from the dark side of the ballpark. Nick…he was a swinger (goes both ways) when we got there.
Old man from the mountain is home
Well, we returned from Colorado late Thursday night. We worked Friday, so I did not have time to post any of the pics. So this is just a short update with a pic or two of where we were at.
New job with windshield time
Well, I started my new position within Oxy last Friday. So, far I’ve been meeting people, getting setup with different accounts, phone, etc. and yes…traveling. I feel like I have seen half of the US in just under a week. Guess all that time in a patrol car will pay off as training.
Married with children…
I used to watch that show…now I live it….kind of. LOL Jace and I got married this weekend. It was nice – fun – and we did it in record breaking time.