
Jack & Diane’s 9-11-10

Well my lovely wife and I went out last Saturday and after eating we decided we would go have a drink and listen to some live music. We heard them advertise a place called Jack & Diane’s. So off we went to find it.

We finally found it on the far north part of town, sort of out in the country. It was a small place, and not many there, but we decided we could give it a shot. A band played that night, won’t mention their name, but they were not that great. A guy came by our table and asked what we thought of the band – and I answered honestly. I hate it when I do that, but they tell me it is the best policy. LOL

One thing lead to another in our conversation and the next thing I know I have a gig….without a band? uhhh ok well I need to make some phone calls. The next day I gave Jack and Nick a call to see if they were interested in doing some playing locally. They both said they were. So that was a bit of a relief.

Monday was a holiday. Nick and I went dove hunting and talked about it a bit more. He mentioned a few people from his church that would be interested in playing…. short version we found a band.

So Tuesday comes and the manager of the place calls me and wants to know if we can play Thursday or Saturday. I told him since this was a ‘fly by the seat of our pants’ type deal we could do a two hour acoustic show Saturday. He was all for it. So then we had to get some material together and a practice.  We did – one practice.

During this time I come down with a severe sinus infection and went Friday morning to the doctor for a shot, antibiotics, and some nasal spray. I felt pretty good that evening during practice, but by the end of it all my voice was starting to go away. I figured I would be ok by the next  night and ready to go.

Fast forward to the next morning. Nick called me and when I answered I could tell he was a little worried. I sounded like crap…felt like it too. LOL  None the less – there was no backing down now. We did re-work the set list a bit. Later that evening, Nick and I took the equipment we needed up to Jack & Diane’s and did a quick sound check – actually played a few songs for some folks that were there. Ate lunch, and I was feeling a little better. My voice broke a couple times, but I thought I could handle it.

Well, we finally went on stage and started off fairly strong. The crowd was giving us some great feedback and we were having fun. First set was success! Second set and we get Christi up there to sing with us…was doing great. Then I went into an original of mine and felt the voice break a couple of times. I thought “oh no, not now”. Nick and Christi sang a few, they did great, then it was my turn again. It was a simple cover of Proud Souls. Wow, I sounded like I was going through puberty all over again. I kept going since none of my band mates would take over…LOL.

We pushed on, but cut the last set down to half the songs. I could not go any further, and Nick did not know them good enough to take over. None the less, we did good and they want us back – even just acoustic for now. In fact I just had a call from the owner – who I need to call back about when and how much.

Anywhoo! Craig was kind enough a butt-hole …he videoed the little voice breakup on Proud Souls. Not his best video, but he and his iPhone are always there to catch something you just may not want to re-live. LOL Love ya Craig! See the video below.

James A. Clark (AKA "blue ninja") - Words, Music, & Life. ©-2004 This is not a public forum. You may not use or abuse anything within this site. You will most likely not agree with everything you read or see, so what. This site is nothing more than a personal web journal for family, friends, and myself. Further more, the opinions expressed herein are strictly my own, and should not in any way be construed as representative of the opinions or positions of my Lodge, the Grand Lodge of Texas, or any other Masonic body or organization. It should not, in any way be construed as a representative of the opinions or positions of my church, or any denominational church, or any other Christian body or organization. This site may contain peanuts. Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to this blog.Discontinue use of if any of the following occurs: Itching, Vertigo, Dizziness, Tingling in extremities, Loss of balance or coordination, Slurred speech, Temporary blindness, Profuse sweating, Heart palpitations. If you are offended by anything you read, please close your browser window and do not return. Thanks for your visit and your hopeful return.

One Comment

  • James

    I moved the movie to YouTube and put the entire movie up. Craig finally sent it all to me. You can’t tell that my voice was breaking that bad on the video – but to me is was hilarious.
    Thanks for visiting.

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