

My wife and I had a conversation not long ago about Facebook. She started the conversation by stating that it was a huge waist of time, people are in your business, etc. I agreed to most of it, yet continued to Facebook on. Then, last week, I realized what she was stating. 

It seems we have a bunch of folks who are our “friends”, but never take time to call, come by to visit, or even email us. I guess I am getting old, but it seems so ridiculous. I deleted my account, and for a week after I found myself almost in a withdrawal state. What would I do with all these extra minutes in my life? Seriously, I found myself grabbing my phone to see what the latest posts might be, etc. Finally it sat in that I had made a change. No more Facebook.

I know, with the business and all maybe I should still have an account. I also know that folks do keep in touch this way – BUT hey we all have phones in our pockets. PHONES and invention for voice communication. Here are my observations of Facebook lately:

  • Comments can be taken wrongly.
  • Normally one will feel safe to say what ever they want behind the screen of their phone or other media device – yet would never say it to someones face.
  • Lots of folks just “friend” you – then quietly nose into your business. Those same folks never call, write, come by, etc.
  • Gossip
  • Recipes – really? When have you ever just sat down with me and we talk about recipes for hours? Yeah – that’s what I thought. I would rather just eat!
  • “Selfies” – oh man – seriously. There are men – mostly teenage boys even doing this now. Wow? Self promotion. I see grown men doing this and well – it is pathetic.
  • Political crap.
  • Opinions – see here is the deal. There are a lot of you who feel you have a “right” to share your opinion on Facebook, but for the most part are to cowardly to share it in person.
  • Security issues with sharing your every move, place, etc.

…and the list goes on. I could just keep coming up with reasons – good and bad. For the most part, we have found that not having Facebook is a good thing. There is no chance for cyber-bulling, cyber-depression (from coveting someones “online life”), etc.

Keagan and Jace have deleted their accounts as well – we have found that there is more conversation, more interaction, etc. Sure, we still watch TV, and surf the internet, but we don’t waist time with “online” friends. We give that time to family, and friends around us.

OK, so there is the rant of the week. Now, take a kid hunting or something.

James A. Clark (AKA "blue ninja") - Words, Music, & Life. ©-2004 This is not a public forum. You may not use or abuse anything within this site. You will most likely not agree with everything you read or see, so what. This site is nothing more than a personal web journal for family, friends, and myself. Further more, the opinions expressed herein are strictly my own, and should not in any way be construed as representative of the opinions or positions of my Lodge, the Grand Lodge of Texas, or any other Masonic body or organization. It should not, in any way be construed as a representative of the opinions or positions of my church, or any denominational church, or any other Christian body or organization. This site may contain peanuts. Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to this blog.Discontinue use of if any of the following occurs: Itching, Vertigo, Dizziness, Tingling in extremities, Loss of balance or coordination, Slurred speech, Temporary blindness, Profuse sweating, Heart palpitations. If you are offended by anything you read, please close your browser window and do not return. Thanks for your visit and your hopeful return.

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