
White president would never hear ‘You lie!’ – Bull CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary Mitchell

This is the title of an article written by Mary Mitchell for the Chicago newspaper, the Tribune or whatever. I came across it on the net because of the ridculous title. She bases it on former President Jimmy Carter. Here is a quote from the article:

“Say what you will, but former president Jimmy Carter is too old to lie. At 85, he’s seen the best and worst of human nature.

So, when he says the “You lie!” shouted at President Obama during his address to Congress last week was “based on racism,” he is speaking with wisdom.”

She goes on to say that a lot of African Americans are thinking the same thing, and asks if Rep. Joe Wilson would have “heckled” President Reagan, Bush, or Clinton. I honestly think that this is the typical crap we’ve been getting since Obama  (would someone update the spell checkers out there in the computer world to recognize Obama as a name spelled correctly?) started running for Presidency. It is more the ones who voted for him throwing around the race card.
Just so you all know, the ones yelling “racism” and voted for Obama – January 1, 2009 that card was pulled from play. If it were that big of a deal in the United States of America – he would not have been voted for. I am sorry to inform you, but if every “white” person voted for Jon McCain – he would probably be President. However, there were a lot of “white”, or should I say non-African Americans that voted for him.
The race card is bull $h!+. Period. Shut up! The plain old American people – ones that do not need a prefix before American – are just fed up with the government and the LIES Obama and his administration is pulling. The double standards they live by. I mean come on – want change? Then tell those congressmen and all to pay their taxes…that would be a change. No, that would be a miracle.
I mean the speech was a marketing – television advertisement for his health care plan. I don’t recall that much standing and hollering and clapping and blaa, blaa, blaa in any previous presidents addresses to Congress. Do you? He uses the media in every way he can to bombard us with the lies.
I think his popularity shows that now – that people – of all damn races, creeds, and colors are getting fed up with the “all talk – no walk”.
“The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 32% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8 (see trends). Thirty-five percent (35%) believe the U.S. is generally heading in the right direction and investor confidence today reached the highest level of 2009.”

Anyway – she goes on to write:

“It [racism] has bubbled up to the surface,” Carter said, and pointed out that many white people “not just in the South” believed that African Americans are not qualified to lead.

Only Wilson knows what prompted him to act the way he did.

But given the rancor that led up to the president’s speech, I’m not surprised that this Southerner lost control of himself.

After all, the South did not go for Obama. In fact, an expert with the Washington-based Pew Research Center put it this way: The South has seceded a second time.


Then she writes the following:

But the Obama White House will have nothing to do with a debate involving race.

“The president does not believe that criticism comes based on the color of his skin,” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters.

But Obama knows there are still a lot of white folks who are having a difficult time accepting that there is a black family in the White House. These people condemn everything from the color of his dog to first lady Michelle Obama’s shorts.

Because Obama chooses to ignore the racism shown toward him, that doesn’t mean racism doesn’t exist.

“But Obama knows there are still a lot of white folks….” “White folks”. I am offended by that. Why does the color of my skin have to come into account here with our “non-racist”, democratic, save the president news writer mean by that. I am offended. LOL

The only truth I read in the entire article was the last line quoted above. Racism does still exsist. However – I feel that, obviously, it has come a long way. I do not see the signs that used to state “White Only” or “Negros use back door” or any of that crap. I don’t see it holding anyone back of race or color.

What I do see is favortism. Maybe that is why some races are screaming louder now days. THey see that the “Free Ride” might be ending soon. I mean a “black” man in the white house, as President. Hmmmmm makes me think we are closer to ending the play of the race card than they care to admit.

I say drop the minority bullshit from our government. Make everything fair across the board. “…all men are endowed, by their Creator with certain unalienable rights… ” let’s live by that for a change. Let’s not favor someone with grants, and government assistance based on the color of their skin, their ethnicity, etc. Lets let them go after what ever they want just like everybody else. Lets help the deficit by cutting all the “minority” budgets. Put that money back into something more useful – like border control.

Lets make everyone equal in the eyes of the government and God and take the next step in getting rid of racism. Lets see if the Obama supporters support that.

I doubt it! Then again since I am white, male, voted for McCain, and I am Christian – I am probable a racist!

Oh yeah – let’s don’t let the media and people like Mary Mitchell who work for them – cause us to loose focus. Rep. Wilson called the President a liar – because he in fact was lying when he said illegal immigrants would not be covered under the proposed health care plan. That is why the democrats actually went to work and added the words to prevent that from happening – the next day.

All you damn people that use the race card, bum off the government, etc. Get off your a$$e$ and help yourself to a piece of the American pie. It is sweet, but you’ll sweat just like the rest of us to enjoy it. The Government is not suppoes to take care of you – you are suppose to take care of it.

In the words of another great Democratic President. “Ask not what you country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”

God Bless America! Land that I love!

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